BDA-602 - Machine Learning Engineering

Dr. Julien Pierret

Lecture 7


  • Features are inputs that help us predict some outcome
    • Features = Predictors
    • Outcome = Response / Label
  • Feature types
    • Continuous
      • money
      • time
      • height
      • distance
    • Categorical (Discrete)
      • gender
      • zipcode
      • state
      • color
      • Social Security Number

Continuous Features

  • Easy to use
  • Nothing really needs to be done
    • Transformations
    • Just improving it

Categorical Features

  • Harder to use
  • Two different types
    • Ordinal
      • Only belong to one category at a time
      • There's some kind of order to the categories
        • Low
        • Medium
        • High
      • Can be fudged into a continuous variable
    • Nominal
      • Only belong to one category at a time

Categorical to usable

  • One-hot encoding
    • Most common - for model building
      • RED: [1, 0, 0]
      • GREEN: [0, 1, 0]
      • BLUE: [0, 0, 1]
      • PURPLE: [1, 0, 1]
  • Dummy encoding
    • Have a control group - testing for differences among groups
      • RED: [0, 0]
      • GREEN: [1, 0]
      • BLUE: [0, 1]

Categorical to usable

  • Effects Encoding
    • Comparing one group to all groups
    • Comparison made at the mean of all groups combined
    • Group of least interest coded with -1
      • Nationality C1 C2 C3
        French 0 0 1
        Italian 1 0 0
        German 0 1 0
        Other −1 −1 −1

Categorical to usable

  • Contrast Coding
    • The sum of the contrast coef. equal zero.
    • The difference between the sum of the + coef. and the sum of the - coef. equals 1.
    • Coded variables should be orthogonal
        Nationality C1 C2
        French +0.25 +0.50
        Italian +0.25 −0.50
        German −0.50 0
    • Hypothesis 1: French and Italian persons will score higher on optimism than Germans (French = +0.25, Italian = +0.25, German = −0.50).
    • Hypothesis 2: French and Italians are expected to differ on their optimism scores (French = +0.50, Italian = −0.50, German = 0).
  • Nonsense Coding

Categorical - Binary encoding

Color Binary 1 Binary 2 Binary 3
Blue 0 0 0
Red 0 0 1
Orange 0 1 0
Green 0 1 1
Yellow 1 0 0
Purple 1 0 1
Pink 1 1 1

Categorical - Ranking

  • Figure out some way to rank them that makes sense

Color Ranking
Red 1
Orange 2
Yellow 3
Green 4
Blue 5
Purple 6

  • Pattern? 🌈

Categorical - Embedding

  • Useful in Neural Networks
  • Encode categoricals into a set of continuous numbers
    • You get to pick the number of continuous numbers
    • Rule of thumb $\sqrt[4]{n}$ (where $n$ number of distinct categories)
  • Neural Networks don't work well with one-hot encodings
  • Word Embedding

Categorical - Vector

  • Something new
    • Take all categorical fields and generate a vector
    • Sort of like word2vec
    • Hopefully I'll find a good coding of it

Coming up with Features

  • Feature engineering is more important than modeling!
  • A better model can raise accuracy by centimeters
  • Better predictors can raise accuracy by meters
  • Feature Engineering
    • Model only as good as what you put into it
      • New ways to look at the data
      • New data
    • One of my favorite parts of the job
      • Let your imagination run free
      • When I interview I dig heavily into this
    • Unsupervised learning
    • Story-time
      • "6k+ Feature Bank"
      • "Data Bank"

Horse Racing

  • Running Style
    • Early (E)
    • Early Presser (EP)
    • Presser (P)
    • Sustained? (S)
  • Look at historical races 🎰:
    • Starting Pos, 1st / 2nd / final Call Position
    • 1st / 2nd / Final Call Beaten Length
    • Assign the horses one of the running styles
  • Labeled 40 races this way
  • A decision tree modeled it perfectly!


Automated Valuation Models (AVM)

  • Predicting apartment complex values in Florida
  • Address to lat/lon
  • Shapefiles with coasts
    • Line segments of the coastline
  • Calculated shortest distance to coastline
    • AVM goes up closer to coast
    • Dependant on area

Document Scanning Predictions

  • Predicting "Date Due" from an invoice
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
    • Know where every character/word is on the page
  • Find correct "Date Due" on the document
  • Generate a Heatmap of correct "Date Due" pixels
    • Scale all points so 1 is the highest number
  • Predictor: For any candidate date
    • average the value of the "pixels" it covers from the heat map
    • Higher the number the better

Too many Categories

  • Fraud Model
  • Unsupervised on all the predictors
    • Number of clusters in 1000s
      • Crazy!
    • Crazy Brilliant
      • Fraud is a rare event
      • Most clusters were garbage
      • Others full of fraud
      • Inspected them
    • Grouped these bad clusters together
    • Extra boolean feature fed into the final fraud model

Bonus - Proximity to an internation airport

Failures > Success

  • What features are good?
  • Plot it!
  • Rank features from best to worst
    • p-value / Z-score (with caveats)
    • Binning and difference with Mean (weighted / unweighted)
    • Random Forest Variable Importance Ranking


  • Crazy Important 🧼📦:
  • See the actual relationship
  • Predictor / Response type Dependant
    • Response: Boolean / Categorical
      • Predictor: Boolean / Categorical
        • Heatplot
      • Predictor: Continous
        • Violin plot on predictor grouped by response
        • Distribution plot on predictor grouped by response
    • Response: Continuous
      • Predictor: Boolean / Categorical
        • Violin plot on response grouped by predictor
        • Distribution plot on response grouped by predictor
      • Predictor: Continuous
        • Scatter plot with trendline

Categorical Response / Categorical Predictor

Plot, Code

Categorical Response / Categorical Predictor

Plot, code

Categorical Response / Continuous Predictor

Plot, Code

Categorical Response / Continuous Predictor

Plot, Code

Continuous Response / Categorical Predictor

Plot, Code

Continuous Response / Categorical Predictor

Plot, Code

Continuous Response / Continuous Predictor

Plot, Code

An extra reason to plot

  • Target Leakage
    • Nostradamus Variables
    • Accidentally leak the response into the predictor
  • Obvious when plotted
    • If model is too good
    • Always check the best performing predictors
  • Need to rank predictors

Random Forest

Decision Trees

  • How do they work?
    • Look at all the data for a branch
    • Repeat until we have everything categorized correctly or hit stopping criteria
      • Overfits!
        • Fit to the noise
        • Don't over grow
      • Pruning
        • Cross Validation
        • Where to cut branches
  • sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier

Decision Tree - Building


Fisher's Iris Data set

Decision Tree - Building


Decision Tree - Original Dataset

              Original Dataset
                  sepal_length  sepal_width  petal_length  petal_width           class
              0             5.1          3.5           1.4          0.2     Iris-setosa
              1             4.9          3.0           1.4          0.2     Iris-setosa
              2             4.7          3.2           1.3          0.2     Iris-setosa
              3             4.6          3.1           1.5          0.2     Iris-setosa
              4             5.0          3.6           1.4          0.2     Iris-setosa
              ..            ...          ...           ...          ...             ...
              145           6.7          3.0           5.2          2.3  Iris-virginica
              146           6.3          2.5           5.0          1.9  Iris-virginica
              147           6.5          3.0           5.2          2.0  Iris-virginica
              148           6.2          3.4           5.4          2.3  Iris-virginica
              149           5.9          3.0           5.1          1.8  Iris-virginica

              [150 rows x 5 columns]

Decision Tree - Building


Decision Tree - Unpruned Tree

as PDF

Decision Tree - Pruning


Decision Tree - Cross Validation Score

criterion max_depth score
0 gini 1 0.666667
1 gini 2 0.933333
2 gini 3 0.960000
3 gini 4 0.966667
4 gini 5 0.960000
5 gini 6 0.960000
6 entropy 1 0.666667
7 entropy 2 0.933333
8 entropy 3 0.960000
9 entropy 4 0.953333
10 entropy 5 0.953333
11 entropy 6 0.953333

Decision Tree - Plotting the score


Decision Tree - Pruning Plot


Decision Tree - Plotting the optimal tree


Decision Tree - Pruned Tree

as PDF

Decision Tree - Overfitting

  • Probably the biggest problem
  • Running this on the titanic dataset

Full Tree

Prunned Tree

as PDF

Titanic - Cross Val Negative Mean Squared Error


Bootstrap Aggregating (Bagging)

Bagging - Code


Bagging - Trees



Random Forest

  • Original Paper
  • Builds on bagging
    • Many trees (aggregate)
      • Each tree built from a sample of values (bootstrap)
      • Each split picks from a random subset of predictors
        • Usually $ \sqrt{n} $
        • $n = $ number of predictors

Random Forest - Variable Importance

In Summary

  • Features
    • Continuous: Easy
    • Categorical: Harder
      • One-hot
      • Dummy
      • Ranking
      • Embedding
      • Vector
  • Feature Engineering
    • Best way to increase a model's accuracy
    • Always plot predictons!
    • Variable Importance rankings
      • p-value & z/t score
      • Difference with mean of response
      • Random Forest variable importance